Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the African region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search different resources including case studies, photos, articles and evaluations.
The Africa Community of Practice online space is dedicated to National Societies in the Africa region, enabling information sharing and progress updates, as well as access to country specific tools and learning opportunities.

© Ville Palonen / Finnish Red Cross
26 October 2021
Cash for Health in Emergency – End of Phase II Project Report
Kenya Red Cross SocietyThis report provides an update on a cash for health project implemented between April – July 2021 by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to support vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls with children under five years to access health services and overcome financial barriers acerbated by COVID-19 measures, with conditional and unrestricted cash transfers.
11 May 2021
Emergency Cash Transfer Response during COVID-19 Experience of Zambia Red Cross Society
Case studyOrganization:
Cash Hub, IFRC, Zambia Red Cross SocietyCase study from the Zambia Red Cross Society on the use of CVA as part of the COVID-19 response, with information on the analysis, design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, programme outcomes, lessons learnt, and next steps in building CVA capacity.
10 May 2021
Contributing to strengthening the resilience of impacted communities and improving living conditions for vulnerable households with cash assistance in areas severely affected by COVID-19 in Guinea
Case studyOrganization:
Cash Hub, Guinea Red Cross, IFRCCase study report from the Guinea Red Cross on the use of CVA as part of the COVID-19 response, with information on the situation, assessment, lessons learned and blockers.
30 April 2021
Use of cash assistance to address newborn and child health outcomes: an evaluation report of the Taita Taveta cash for health project
British Red Cross, Kenya Red CrossThis evaluation sought to measure the effects of the interventions that took place in Taveta Sub county, between October 2020 and March 2021, to improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) indicators through unconditional cash transfers distributed to families with children under five years of age and expectant women by the Kenya Red Cross.
11 April 2021
Cash assistance for COVID-19 response Experience of Lesotho Red Cross Society
Case studyOrganization:
Cash Hub, IFRC, Lesotho Red CrossCase study from the Lesotho Red Cross Society on the use of CVA as part of the COVID-19 response, with information on the situation, analysis, design and implementation, programme outcomes and the next steps of the National Society commitment to cash assistance.
10 April 2021
COVID-19 Cash Assistance for Livelihoods: Experience of Namibia Red Cross Society
Case studyOrganization:
Cash Hub, IFRC, Namibia Red Cross SocietyCase study report from the Namibia Red Cross on their CVA for COVID-19 response.
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