النقد والصحة
يمكن أن تختلف النفقات الصحية بشكل كبير بين الأسر لأنها تستند إلى المخاطر وليس على متوسط الحاجة. لهذا السبب ، يشكل ضمان الوصول إلى خدمات الرعاية الصحية للأشخاص المتضررين من الأزمات تحديات محددة للمنظمات الإنسانية
المساعدة النقدية والقسائم هي أداة تكميلية لبرامج الصحة العامة التقليدية
تماشياً مع الالتزامات التي تم التعهد بها في الصفقة الكبرى لزيادة استخدام وتنسيق المساعدة النقدية والقسائم ، تلتزم الحركة الدولية للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر بإنشاء وتنسيق وتطوير التدخلات المساعدة النقدية والقسائم للتدخلات الصحية
استكشف هذه الصفحة للحصول على موارد مرتبطة بأحدث الأدلة والتعلم والجوانب التقنية لاستخدام المساعدة النقدية والقسائم كأداة للبرمجة الصحية في الحركة

© Norcross, Cox Bazaar ERU field hospital
نتائج البحث
25 فبراير 2025
CVA Newsletter – Nepal Red Cross – July to December 2024
Nepal Red Cross SocietyAn overview of the latest updates on the CVA work of the Nepal Red Cross between July and December 2024.
22 يناير 2025
Transforming Lives: the impact of cash assistance on people's wellbeing – A Case Study from Syria
Case studyمنظمة:
Syrian Arab Red CrescentIn response to the 2023 earthquake, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, supported by various humanitarian partners, implemented a multipurpose cash assistance programme to provide relief to affected families. Over 49,000 households, consisting of around 204,635 individuals, received a one-off payment to enable them to meet their basic needs for three months. This case study examines the impact of this assistance on recipients’ wellbeing.
8 أكتوبر 2024
Lessons Learnt: Slovak Red Cross Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health
Slovak Red CrossThis lessons learnt report highlights experiences from Slovak Red Cross Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health activities, supporting refugees with non-communicable diseases as part of the regional Emergency Appeal for people displaced from Ukraine.
5 سبتمبر 2022
Cash for Health Outcomes
RCRCMThe RCRCM CVA for Health Outcomes Technical Working Group Position Paper on Cash for Health Outcomes explores how CVA (a form of demand side financing) can be used to support health outcomes, as a complement to supply side interventions, and highlight some of the key considerations.
10 مارس 2022
Cash for Health Webinar 10 March 2022 – Slides
RCRCM CVA for Health TWGSlides for the The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Technical Working Group Webinar on the 10 March 2022. The one hour Webinar presented the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and presented the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society was also presented. This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. Finally the use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs) was discussed.
10 مارس 2022
Cash for Health Webinar 10 March 2022 – Recording
RCRCM CVA for Health TWGThe Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Technical Working Group hosted a Webinar on the 10 March 2022. The one hour Webinar presented the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and presented the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society was also presented This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. The use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs) was also discussed.
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