النقد وسبل العيش
تشمل سبل العيش القدرات والأصول والأنشطة اللازمة لكسب العيش. إن ضمان حصول الأسر الضعيفة على سبل عيش مستدامة يزيد من وصولها إلى دخل ثابت ، إلى جانب كرامتها وقدرتها على الصمود والقدرة على أن تكون نشطة في المجتمع. يساعد دعم سبل العيش الأشخاص المتأثرين بالأزمة على بناء وسائل معيشية أكثر استدامة ، وتنمية المهارات وزيادة فرص الوصول إلى الفرص.
يمكن أن تكون المساعدة النقدية وسيلة فعالة لحماية أو استعادة أو تعزيز سبل العيش التي تمكن الناس من تحقيق الاكتفاء الذاتي وتحسين الرفاهية للأجيال الحالية والمستقبلية.
تعرف على عمل حركة الصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر في هذا المجال من خلال الوصول إلى الموارد المختلفة المتعلقة بالنقد وسبل العيش أدناه.
لمزيد من المعلومات حول سبل العيش ، قم بزيارة مركز سبل العيش ، الذي يستضيفه الصليب الأحمر الإسباني والاتحاد الدولي للصليب الأحمر والهلال الأحمر.
نتائج البحث
22 يناير 2025
Transforming Lives: the impact of cash assistance on people's wellbeing – A Case Study from Syria
Case studyمنظمة:
Syrian Arab Red CrescentIn response to the 2023 earthquake, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, supported by various humanitarian partners, implemented a multipurpose cash assistance programme to provide relief to affected families. Over 49,000 households, consisting of around 204,635 individuals, received a one-off payment to enable them to meet their basic needs for three months. This case study examines the impact of this assistance on recipients’ wellbeing.
23 أكتوبر 2024
Dignity in Action 2024: Key data and learning on cash assistance in the RCRC Movement
ReportDrawing on learning and experience from across the world in 2022-23, this landmark report explores the transformative impact of cash assistance in humanitarian crises across the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Highlighting its effectiveness, efficiency, and localised nature of support for people and markets, the report provides a global overview of the Movement’s collective scale of cash assistance, along with 8 thematic chapters consisting of key learnings and case studies featuring 25 National Societies.
29 يوليو 2024
Stories of resilience in Türkiye: Rebuilding livelihoods after the earthquakes
IFRCThe February 2023 earthquakes not only shattered lives, they destroyed people’s livelihoods. A joint programme of the IFRC and the Turkish Red Crescent is helping farmers, craftspeople and small businesses put the pieces back together. Read more in this blog post.
29 يوليو 2024
Case Study: 2023 Türkiye Earthquakes / IFRC-TRC Livelihoods Recovery Programme
Case studyمنظمة:
IFRCThis case study provides details regarding the results of the IFRC-Turkish Red Cresent Livelihoods Recovery Programme launched in response to the earthquakes that caused massive loss of life and damage to homes and businesses in February 2023.
14 يونيو 2024
Movement Cash and Vouchers Assistance Preparedness (CVAP) partnership model review in ICRC context – Yemen
British Red CrossYemen Red Crescent Society (YRCS) has the ambition to enhance their capacity to design and independently implement cash-based assistance on a large scale since 2021. With the support of British Red Cross (BRC) and the ICRC, the programme is designed to support YRCS CVA Preparedness (CVAP) for three to five years as per the standard recommendation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (Movement).
3 يونيو 2024
Cash for Livelihoods in Barishal City: Final evaluation report
British Red CrossThis report highlights key successes and suggests improvements for the Livelihoods and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) project which was implemented in low-income communities of Barishal City (Bangladesh) over a period of 39 months, ending in March 2024. The project supported beneficiaries with cash grants and specifically focused on providing cash and training to support new and existing businesses, as well as providing job placement opportunities, cash, and training to youth.
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