الأخبار والمدونات
اقرأ الأخبار والمدونات المتعلقة بالمساعدة النقدية الإنسانية
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31 مارس 2021
Zambia Red Cross Emergency Cash Transfer Response during COVID-19
The Zambia Red Cross Society (ZRCS) has been assisting affected population in Zambia through the IFRC global Emergency Appeal for…
18 مارس 2021
Cash preparedness highlights from the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society
In Zimbabwe, the “Resilience through Disaster Response management; Multipurpose Cash Preparedness and Comprehensive School Safety Project” has concluded in 2020,…
2 مارس 2021
Cashless cash: financial inclusion or surveillance humanitarianism?
Extract from the ICRC, Humanitarian Law and Policy Blog channel, for the original blog, to access a short podcast on…
26 فبراير 2021
Household Economic Security (HES) guidelines: technical Guidance for Assessment and Analysis
An updated version of the Household Economic Security (HES) guidelines has recently been launched by British Red Cross. To download…
21 فبراير 2021
From borrowing money to independence: Refugee family becomes debt-free with cash assistance
Ömer Eddağavi and his family have been living on unstable income since arriving in Turkey six years ago after fleeing…
9 فبراير 2021
Consejos para la Programación de asistencia para el alquiler
El Cash Hub y la FICR han creado un breve documento que ofrece una elección de consejos extraídos de la…
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