Видеоматериалы о денежной помощи

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Результаты поиска

19 ноября 2021

GDP 2020 Session: What? You want to give cash before disaster strikes with a 5-day lead time!




Anticipation Hub

The Cash Hub and the newly launched Anticipation Hub hosted a joint session to showcase the latest cash-based early action activations across the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

20 октября 2021

Localisation and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) — Cash Hub panel discussion recording




Cash Hub

As part of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Planet:Red Summit, the Cash Hub hosted a panel discussion to explore how CVA, and specifically cash preparedness can help to strengthen National Societies and contribute to more locally-led humanitarian action.

15 октября 2021

Humanitarian Digital Identities and DIGID Project in Kenya (webinar recording)





As we move towards more digital solutions for CVA, people who do not have a legally recognised ID are often left out of humanitarian assistance programs because they do not meet the minimum requirements by financial service providers. Digital identities present a possible solution to ensuring inclusivity of those most marginalised

7 октября 2021

Cash Programming in the Times of COVID-19: Scaling Reach and Strengthening Local Action




Bangladesh Red Crescent

This UNGA side event allowed to share learning on the role of CVA during COVID-19 with remarks from the Governments of Turkey, Bangladesh and Norway, the IFRC, DG ECHO and panellists from the Turkish Red Crescent, the Bangladesh Red Crescent and the Kenya Red Cross as well as the CAMEALEON initiative in Lebanon.

8 июля 2021

Localising finance and leveraging local resources: voucher and cash-based assistance




World Humanitarian Forum

Recording of a World Humanitarian Forum event on localising finance and leveraging local resources when using cash and voucher assistance, with speakers from the British Red Cross, the Humanitarian Logistics Association and Save the Children International.

25 мая 2021

Video on the Household Economic Security (HES)





This short video gives and overview of how HES findings are a useful tool for selecting and identifying vulnerable groups for inclusion into a variety of programmes, based on their food and income sources and capacity to withstand livelihood related contextual risks.

В сотрудничестве с:

British Red Cross