Денежная помощь в чрезвычайных ситуациях

«Денежная помощь в чрезвычайных ситуациях» сосредоточены на программах денежной помощи сразу после внезапного наступления катастрофы. Посетите эту страницу для изучения конкретных примеров, извлеченных уроков и других информационных материалов о денежной помощи в экстренных ситуациях.

© Turkish Red Crescent-KIZILAYKART

Результаты поиска

31 августа 2021

Strengthening locally led humanitarian action through cash preparedness




Cash Hub

This research looks at links between CVA and localisation, to understand how CVA can help to further localisation and strengthen locally led humanitarian action, focusing on these questions: 1) How can CVA help to strengthen National Societies’ voice and influence?; 2) Does building CVA capacity help to further the localisation agenda and, if so, how does it do so?; 3) What lessons can be learnt from National Societies and their CVA responses?

  • Localisation
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies

2 августа 2021

Outcome Report World Humanitarian Forum London, 2021




World Humanitarian Forum

This Outcome Report was elaborated as an outcome paper of the WHF’s London Digital Summit. The report covers the two-day event and the sessions therein from 19 to 20 May 2021. For more information about this event visit: www.whf.london

  • Emergencies

19 июня 2021

Intersectoral Vulnerability Study: the Vulnerability Conditions of Refugees in Turkey





The Intersectoral Vulnerability Study assesses the severity of humanitarian conditions of the refugee population in Turkey, building on a tailored analytical framework, a representative sample at regional and group level and the latest methodological developments in intersectoral analysis. Below you can also find the summary report which includes infographics.

  • Cash in Turkiye
  • Emergencies

11 мая 2021

Emergency Cash Transfer Response during COVID-19 Experience of Zambia Red Cross Society


Case study


Cash Hub

Case study from the Zambia Red Cross Society on the use of CVA as part of the COVID-19 response, with information on the analysis, design and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, programme outcomes, lessons learnt, and next steps in building CVA capacity.

  • Emergencies

18 марта 2021

What does “Cash” mean for WASH Outcomes?





Short overview document intended for both WASH and cash practitioners as well as programme managers who want to understand and explore how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes.

  • WASH
  • Emergencies

1 июля 2020

Cash Interventions: Key Learnings and Reflection — Myanmar Red Cross Society’s Cash Programmes in Central Rakhine





This paper summarises the findings of a study dedicated to reflect, analyse and learn from a Cash and Voucher Assistance programme implemented in the Rakhine state from 2014 to 2019 by the Myanmar Red Cross Society.

  • WASH
  • Cash in conflict
  • Emergencies

В сотрудничестве с:

British Red Cross