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Результаты поиска

13 апреля 2023

Cash Assistance in Yemen: Mohammed and Nima's stories




British Red Cross

Cash assistance is considered one of the most effective way of addressing the variety of needs of affected people, as it promotes the freedom to choose and determine their own needs in terms of food, drinking water, health care, school fees, and improving housing and shelter. 23.4 million people inside Yemen are in dire need of humanitarian protection (according to INGOs) and suffer from poverty, difficult economic conditions, and lack of job opportunities. A pilot cash transfer project was designed and implemented by YRCS in Amran governorate of Eyal suriah district.

27 марта 2023

Uganda: Dignified Identity in cash assistance to flood affected women in Bukedea District





The Uganda Red Cross and the IFRC, with support from the Dignified Identity in Cash Assistance (DIGID) Consortium, explored opportunities and risks of digital credentials to establish eligibility for cash assistance in the context of migration for internally displaced people affected by floods in Bukedea district, Uganda.

27 марта 2023

Kenya: Dignified Identity in migration context for continuity of healthcare





The Kenya Red Cross Society and IFRC with the support of the Dignified Identity in Cash Assistance (DIGID) Consortium explored opportunities and risks of digital credentials to establish eligibility for continuity of health care in migration context in the Kakuma-Kalobeyei refugee integrated settlements in Kenya.

29 октября 2022

Is Cash a Good Form of Aid?



This video from the ICRC video series 'Your Questions Answered' highlights the benefits of cash as a fast and effective form of aid.

30 марта 2022

Cash Hub Webinar 28 CVA for Everyday Crisis Response — Recording




American Red Cross

Recording of the Cash Hub Webinar of the 30 March 2022 with talks by Canadian Red Cross and American Red Cross on the use of CVA for Everyday Crisis Response.

10 марта 2022

Cash for Health Webinar 10 March 2022 — Recording




RCRCM CVA for Health TWG

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Technical Working Group hosted a Webinar on the 10 March 2022. The one hour Webinar presented the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and presented the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society was also presented This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. The use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs) was also discussed.

В сотрудничестве с:

British Red Cross