Видеоматериалы о денежной помощи
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Результаты поиска
14 декабря 2020
Why is the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement distributing Cash Assistance?
Cash HubIn this short video, people affected by crisis tell us more about the power of cash assistance which has enabled them to prioritise their immediate needs with dignity.
15 ноября 2020
Recording of Webinar 15
Cash HubRecording of the 15th Webinar of the Cash Hub Series focusing on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance for Nutrition Outcomes.
4 ноября 2020
Recording Webinar 14
Cash HubRecording of the 14th Webinar of the Cash Hub Series focusing on outcome indicators, expenditure monitoring, recent work on measuring well-being, as well as experiences of the Turkish Red Crescent and Zambia Red Cross.
21 октября 2020
Recording of Webinar 13
Cash HubRecording of the 13th Webinar of the Cash Hub Series focusing on how CVA can be used to support health outcomes by improving access to and utilisation of health care services in humanitarian contexts.
14 октября 2020
IFRC Rental Assistance Guidance — Global Launch (webinar)
IFRCThis is the recording of the global launch of the "Step-by-step rental assistance guide" introduced by a panel of experts from IFRC, ICRC, CashCap and BRC who also shared key considerations on the use of rental assistance.
7 октября 2020
Recording of Webinar 12
Cash HubRecording of the 12th Webinar of the Cash Hub Series focusing on how Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) has been used to achieve Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion (WASH) Objectives .
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