Видеоматериалы о денежной помощи
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Результаты поиска
22 июня 2020
CVA & COVID-19: Remote market assessment and monitoring (Arabic Version)
CaLPThis is the arabic version of a video that outlines practical strategies implemented by field practitioners in adapting their programmes to COVID-19, focusing on remote market assessment and monitoring while presenting multiple challenges.
22 июня 2020
Evaluación y Monitoreo Remoto del Mercado de Programas de Transferencias Monetarias (PTM)
CaLPThis is the Spanish version of a video that outlines practical strategies implemented by field practitioners in adapting their programmes to COVID-19, focusing on remote market assessment and monitoring while presenting multiple challenges.
22 июня 2020
Les transferts monétaires & COVID-19 : Évaluation et suivi des marchés à distance
CaLPThis is the French version of a video that outlines practical strategies implemented by field practitioners in adapting their programmes to COVID-19, focusing on remote market assessment and monitoring while presenting multiple challenges.
12 июня 2020
CVA & COVID-19: Adapting Delivery Mechanisms in Humanitarian Programming (17'33'')
CaLPThis video shares practical strategies and examples from different humanitarian organisation on how to adapt to COVID-19, focusing on three main challenges: 1) selecting the best delivery mechanism, 2) approaching FSPs about safe delivery processes, 3) monitoring programmes and receiving feedback.
3 июня 2020
Recording of Cash Hub Webinar 3
Cash HubRecording of the 3rd Webinar of the Cash Hub Series which focused on how social protection practices are being adapted within CVA programming in response to COVID-19.
3 июня 2020
Cash and COVID-19 Webinar 3: Adapting to COVID-19 The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
Cash Hub3rd Webinar of the Cash Hub series with focus on the topic of Social Protection and what does this mean for the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.
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