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Результаты поиска
1 января 2019
Movement Logistics Cash and Markets Competency Framework
RCRCMThis is an informal working document consolidating the Competancy Frameworks of the ICRC and IFRC into one version. This framework enables us to refer to the same set of competancies at the Movement level, to facilitate the standardisation of logistics and procurement support for distribution and scale-up of CVA, and to identify and build the skills required to be cash-ready.
1 января 2019
Logistics Support to Cash and Markets Learning Path
RCRCMOverview of the training courses currently available, which are presented in a logical flow from on-line theory through to practical, scenario-based learning. Participants moving through the levels/tiers from operational to tactical to strategic-managerial will be able to see at a glance which courses should be undertaken and when to provide the necessary competences required of the role profiles.
1 января 2019
Cash for Support Services Training (CfSS) — Training Agenda
RCRCMThe CfSS agenda outlines four training modules which are delivered over consecutive four days. Each module provides the essentional operational (tier/level 1) competencies required for support staff to contribute to the successful use of CVA. This training course of the Movement is typically delivered to groups of 25-30 IFRC, ICRC and NS participants.
1 января 2019
Cash for Support Services Training — Concept Note
RCRCMThe concept note provides the relevant information related to: objectives of the training; targeted audience; participant's profile; and methodology. It can be shared from facilitators to publicise the course and to allow potential participants and their line managers to judge its relevance and the level of commitment required.
4 мая 2018
IFRC Cash and shelter training
RCRCMFacilitator sessions plans, presentations and hand-outs for the cash and shelter training.
3 мая 2018
IFRC CTP 4 day ToT materials
RCRCMFacilitator documents, presentations, had outs and guidance for the IFRC training of trainers for CTP training.
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