Health expenditures can differ greatly between households as these are based on risk rather than on average need. For this reason, ensuring access to health care services for people affected by crisis poses specific challenges to humanitarian organisations. Cash and voucher assistance is a complimentary tool to traditional supply-side public health programming. In line with commitments made at The Grand Bargain to increase the use and coordination of CVA, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is committed to establish, coordinate and develop CVA for health interventions. Below it is possible to access resources linked to Movement’s outputs on latest evidence, learning and technical capacity to use CVA as a tool for health programming.

© IFRC/Corrie Butler
Resultados de la búsqueda
4 marzo 2022
Video (2min) – Cash for Health in Emergency Taita Taveta, Kenya
Kenya Red CrossThis video briefly shows some of the work Kenya Red Cross Society did to support vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls with children under five years to access health services and overcome financial barriers exacerbated by COVID-19 measures, with cash transfers.
26 octubre 2021
Cash for Health in Emergency – End of Phase II Project Report
Kenya Red Cross SocietyThis report provides an update on a cash for health project implemented between April – July 2021 by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to support vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls with children under five years to access health services and overcome financial barriers acerbated by COVID-19 measures, with conditional and unrestricted cash transfers.
30 abril 2021
Use of cash assistance to address newborn and child health outcomes: an evaluation report of the Taita Taveta cash for health project
British Red CrossThis evaluation sought to measure the effects of the interventions that took place in Taveta Sub county, between October 2020 and March 2021, to improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) indicators through unconditional cash transfers distributed to families with children under five years of age and expectant women by the Kenya Red Cross.
24 marzo 2021
Cash for Health in Kenya
BRCShort video on the use of conditional and unrestricted cash assistance to incentivise access to health services of expecting and lactating women, and adolescent girls and to address the economic impact of COVID-19. The programme reached 915 households in Taveta Sub County (Kenya).
21 octubre 2020
Webinar 13: Top Takeaways
Cash HubThis documents provides the top takeaways from the 13th Cash Hub webinar, on the use of Cash and Voucher Assistance to support health outcomes by improving access to and utilisation of health care services in humanitarian contexts.
21 octubre 2020
Webinar 13: Slides
Cash HubA series of slides used during the 13th Webinar of the Cash Hub series, with information on how CVA can be used to support health outcomes by improving access to and utilisation of health care services in humanitarian contexts.
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