Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias

Los programas de transferencias monetarias en emergencias se centran en la provisión de transferencias monetarias inmediatamente después de un desastre repentino. Descubra en esta página casos prácticos, las lecciones aprendidas y otros materiales de información sobre asistencia con transferencias monetarias en emergencias. 

Turkish Red Crescent-KIZILAYKART

Resultados de la búsqueda

13 febrero 2023

Learning from the Ukraine Crisis Webinar Series: CEA for Remote CVA programming webinar




Cash Hub

The first webinar in the series aimed to explore how Community, Engagement and Accountability (CEA) minimum actions and approaches were integrated into CVA within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement response to the Ukraine crisis.

  • PTM en casos de conflicto
  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

19 octubre 2022

Feasibility Study on the potential use of Cash-based Social Protection Systems for floods in Bangladesh




Anticipation Hub

This report examines the feasibility of integrating cash-based shock-responsive social protection programmes (SRSP) within flood contingency plans in Bangladesh. The study has explored how national social protection (SP) programmes can be used for Forecast-based Financing/Action (FbF/A) before floods, as well as for responding immediately after an event.

  • Anticipatory Action
  • Protección social
  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias

30 agosto 2022

CVA Newsletter – Nepal Red Cross (April – June 2022)




Nepal Red Cross Society

An overview of the latest updates on the Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) work of the Nepal Red Cross between April and June 2022

  • Asia-Pacific Community of Practice
  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias

29 julio 2022

Tip sheet: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Recovery


Tip sheet


Cash Hub

This guidance provides technical tips and considerations to apply when using CVA to support recovery as well as programme examples of when CVA has successfully promoted recovery

  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias
  • Livelihoods

27 junio 2022

Summary of Social protection programmes, households’ incomes and expenses information for Moldova




Cash Hub

A summary of social protection programmes, households’ incomes and expenses information, to provide practitioners involved in the response to Ukraine refugee crisis with a general social protection context information

  • PTM en casos de conflicto
  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

27 junio 2022

Lessons Learned on Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Greece Refugee Response




Hellenic Red Cross

Document summarising key lessons from the Greece refugee response that can inform the potential use of CVA at scale for the Ukraine crisis, including useful technical learning from the early implementation of CVA in the Greece response.

  • Protección social
  • PTM en casos de conflicto
  • Programas de transferencias monetarias para emergencias

En alianza con:

British Red Cross