PTM y Medios de Vida

Los Medios de vida abarcan las capacidades, los recursos y las actividades necesarias para ganarse la vida. Garantizar que los hogares vulnerables dispongan de medios de vida sostenibles aumenta su acceso a unos ingresos estables, así como su dignidad, su resiliencia y su capacidad de participar activamente en la sociedad. El apoyo a los Medios de vida ayuda a las personas afectadas por una crisis a crear medios de vida más sostenibles, a desarrollar nuevas habilidades y a obtener un mayor acceso a oportunidades.

© Nepal Red Cross Society

La Asistencia en efectivo puede ser una forma eficaz de proteger, restaurar o mejorar los medios de vida que permiten a las personas ser autosuficientes y mejorar el bienestar de las generaciones actuales y futuras.

Conozca la labor del Movimiento de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja en este ámbito accediendo a los diferentes recursos relacionados con PTM y medios de vida que aparecen a continuación.

Para obtener más información sobre Medios de Vida, visite el Centro de Medios de Vida, de la Cruz Roja Española y la FICR.

Resultados de la búsqueda

27 diciembre 2022

A community-led livelihoods approach in flood-prone areas of Bangladesh during COVID19 pandemic


Estudios de caso


Bangladesh Red Crescent

This case study examines how livelihood support provided by BDRCS and IFRC during COVID19 pandemic has strengthened the target families’ income-generating activities. The families acknowledged that the whole process had helped them to improve their resilience and that they were confident that future disasters, such as floods, would not affect their livelihoods as they had before.

  • Asia-Pacífico
  • Cash and livelihoods

14 noviembre 2022

Stories of Change: Cash Case Stories from The Philippines


Estudios de caso



Stories of Change: Cash stories from the Philippines Cash Working Group (PCWG) provides insight into the Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) of various humanitarian organisations, including Philippines RC, particularly as a modality of assistance for disasters and emergencies.

  • PTM y COVID-19
  • Cash and livelihoods
  • PTM y Mercados

13 octubre 2022

Case study: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) and livelihoods during COVID 19 pandemic in The Gambia


Estudios de caso


Livelihoods Centre

This case study from The Gambia Red Cross Society (GRCS), in close collaboration with Spanish Red Cross (SpRC), provides insight on the implementation of CVA activities in The Gambia to address the impact of the pandemic on livelihoods. Considering women are more likely to be hardest hit economically by Covid-19 since they are usually more engaged in low-paid, insecure jobs and the informal economy, a gender lens has been applied in the concrete design and implementation of this programme.

  • PTM y COVID-19
  • Cash and livelihoods

27 septiembre 2022

Micro-entrepreneurship Programmes: Toolkit guidelines




Livelihoods Centre

These guidelines aim to help livelihoods practitioners in programming micro-entrepreneurship (ME) interventions, providing them with sequential guidance and tools throughout the different stages of the process, with guidance on cash and voucher assistance.

  • Cash and livelihoods

29 julio 2022

Tip sheet: Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in Recovery


Tip sheet


Cash Hub

This guidance provides technical tips and considerations to apply when using CVA to support recovery as well as programme examples of when CVA has successfully promoted recovery

  • Cash and livelihoods
  • cva

24 mayo 2022

Guidance notes on Cash Transfers in Livelihood Programming – learning workshop in Dakar (Oct 2015)





This documents shares lessons learned on the context in West Africa, makes references to practical examples, and highlights details of cash transfer programmes for livelihoods. These guidance notes are intended primarily for those involved in the design and implementation of programs that include cash transfer components as part of livelihood support.

  • África
  • Cash and livelihoods