PTM y Medios de Vida
Los Medios de vida abarcan las capacidades, los recursos y las actividades necesarias para ganarse la vida. Garantizar que los hogares vulnerables dispongan de medios de vida sostenibles aumenta su acceso a unos ingresos estables, así como su dignidad, su resiliencia y su capacidad de participar activamente en la sociedad. El apoyo a los Medios de vida ayuda a las personas afectadas por una crisis a crear medios de vida más sostenibles, a desarrollar nuevas habilidades y a obtener un mayor acceso a oportunidades.
La Asistencia en efectivo puede ser una forma eficaz de proteger, restaurar o mejorar los medios de vida que permiten a las personas ser autosuficientes y mejorar el bienestar de las generaciones actuales y futuras.
Conozca la labor del Movimiento de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja en este ámbito accediendo a los diferentes recursos relacionados con PTM y medios de vida que aparecen a continuación.
Para obtener más información sobre Medios de Vida, visite el Centro de Medios de Vida, de la Cruz Roja Española y la FICR.
Resultados de la búsqueda
1 julio 2019
Improving Lives and Livelihoods Through Cash Transfers: A Humanitarian Assistance Project in Maungdaw Township, Rakhine – Myanmar
IFRCBrief overview of a one-year project implemented by MRCS with multi-lateral support from IFRC, which started in November 2018 to recover livelihoods of populations affected by violence in Maungdaw Township.
11 junio 2019
Cash for Livelihoods in Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence
Estudios de casoOrganización:
ICRCThis case study report elaborates on the details, outcomes, successes, difficulties and recommendations from an ICRC/BRCS Cash for Livelihoods project since 2015.
1 marzo 2019
Kizilaykart Cash Based Assistance Programmes, Livelihoods Survey Findings
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)Livelihood survey to understand the profile of "Emergency Social Safety Net Programme" (ESSN) applicants and to collect data on their education level, employment status and barriers.
1 marzo 2019
Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) Programme Technical Analysis Report
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)This report analyses the ESSN programme and covers the first quarter of 2019. The ESSN programme has been targeting vulnerable refugees population living in Turkey since November 2016.
27 enero 2019
Research project – livelihoods and cash interventions in the NRCS/BRC earthquake recovery programme, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
BRCThis report assesses the livelihood activities and modalities (service delivery and cash transfers) delivered through this recovery programme, with the purpose of identifying best practices to inform future programming. More resources, including the executive summary, the annexes and a PPT presentation of the research can be found below.
1 diciembre 2018
External Evaluation of the Ukrainian Red Cross Livelihoods Project
Key Aid ConsultingEvaluation of the ”Livelihoods Project", implemented by the Ukrainian Red Cross Society with support from the International Federation of the Red Cross, to boost small-scale business opportunities for conflict-affected people in the East of Ukraine.
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