Tecnología de PTM

La tecnología digital tiene la capacidad potencial de transformar la forma en la que funcionan los PTM. Las plataformas de pago a través de móviles han demostrado ya cómo las nuevas tecnologías pueden tener un gran impacto sobre las eficiencias y la conveniencia de que las personas reciban asistencia en efectivo o cupones. Este es un mero ejemplo del potencial que tiene el uso de las tecnologías en este sector.

Para más información sobre ámbitos concretos de innovación en tecnología de PTM, visite lo siguiente:

> Blockchain y DLT

© Pierre Grandidier / IFRC

Resultados de la búsqueda

10 marzo 2023

Dignified Identities in healthcare and migration: lessons from Kenya




American Red Cross

As part of the Dignified Identity in Cash Assistance in the context of migration, a field pilot was implemented in the Kalobeyei refugee integrated settlement in Kenya to explore opportunities and risks of humanitarian digital identity for access healthcare services in displacement settings. Read the report to find out more

  • Tecnología de PTM
  • Gestión de la información

3 marzo 2023

One Year Humanitarian Crisis In Ukraine: The Supporting Role Of Technology





The escalation of conflict in Ukraine continues to fuel a devastating humanitarian crisis that is affecting the lives of millions of people. 510, the Data & Digital initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross, has supported the Ukrainian Red Cross and other National Societies over the past year with data & digital products and services through the IFRC regional support structure in Budapest.

  • Tecnología de PTM
  • Europa
  • Ukraine and impacted countries

29 noviembre 2022

Global Payment Solutions for Humanitarian Cash Assistance





This report from the IFRC highlights the need to identify a global payment solution and the feasibility of implementing this solution for faster and scalable distribution of humanitarian cash assistance

  • cash
  • Tecnología de PTM
  • cva

2 febrero 2022

Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance – Kenya pilot (trailer)





The Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project seeks to address the lack official forms of identification of people requiring assistance. In May 2021, KRCS and IFRC with the support of the DIGID consortium piloted the use of digital ID for cash assistance in Mathare and Turkana as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Tecnología de PTM
  • Gestión de la información

2 febrero 2022

Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance – Kenya pilot (full video)





The Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project seeks to address the lack official forms of identification of people requiring assistance. In May 2021, KRCS and IFRC with the support of the DIGID consortium piloted the use of digital ID for cash assistance in Mathare and Turkana as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

  • Tecnología de PTM
  • Gestión de la información

2 febrero 2022

Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance: More Lessons Learnt from Kenya (July – November 2021)





Read the lessons learned from the DIGID project extension between July and November 2021. The Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project consortium aims to understand the opportunities and risks of digital identity (ID) technology in providing humanitarian cash assistance to people with no official IDs.

  • Tecnología de PTM
  • Gestión de la información

En alianza con:

British Red Cross