Transferts Monétaires et Moyens de Subsistance
Les Moyens de Subsistance rassemblent les capacités, les capitaux et les activités requis pour gagner sa vie. S’assurer que les ménages vulnérables aient des moyens de subsistance durables augmente leur accès à un revenu stable, ainsi qu’à la dignité, la résilience et la capacité à être actif dans la société. Le soutien aux moyens de subsistance aide les personnes affectées par les crises à construire des vies plus durables, à développer leurs compétences et à gagner un meilleur accès à des opportunités.
L’assistance monétaire peut être un moyen efficace de protéger, restaurer, ou améliorer les moyens de subsistance qui permettent aux gens de devenir auto-suffisants et d’améliorer leur bienêtre pour les générations actuelles et futures.
Apprenez-en plus sur le travail du Mouvement International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge dans ce domaine en accédant à différentes ressources liées à l’assistance monétaire et aux moyens de subsistance ci-dessous.
Pour plus d’informations sur les moyens de subsistance, visitez le Livelihoods Centre, hébergé par la Croix-Rouge Espagnole et la FICR.
Résultats de recherche
5 mars 2024
Afifa's Story: Cash for business support in East Sudan
Étude de casOrganisation:
German Red CrossLivelihood and food security of refugees in camps and hosting communities in east Sudan to reduce humanitarian assistance.
17 août 2023
Cash for work to construct and rehabilitate the WASH facilities
Étude de casOrganisation:
Cash HubThis case study provides an overview of the WASH project and the use of CfW (Cash for Work) to construct and rehabilitate WASH facilities in the camps in Iraq. It provided immediate economic benefits and an increase communal hygiene, dignity, and adequate sanitation to the local population after a protracted crisis and related displacement of the population.
27 mars 2023
Actions in Livelihoods: Technical training and conditional cash transfers
Livelihoods CentreThe Actions in Livelihoods guidance provides key information on interventions for recovery, strengthening, diversification and protection of livelihoods in different contexts. This chapter focuses on cash transfers in the context of the 2015 Nepal earthquake.
5 janvier 2023
Stories of Change: Cash stories from The Philippines
Étude de casOrganisation:
Philippine Red CrossStories of Change: Cash stories from the Philippines Cash Working Group (PCWG) provides insight into the Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) of the Philippines Red Cross Society, particularly as a modality of assistance for disasters and emergencies.
27 décembre 2022
A community-led livelihoods approach in flood-prone areas of Bangladesh during COVID19 pandemic
Étude de casOrganisation:
Bangladesh Red CrescentThis case study examines how livelihood support provided by BDRCS and IFRC during COVID19 pandemic has strengthened the target families’ income-generating activities. The families acknowledged that the whole process had helped them to improve their resilience and that they were confident that future disasters, such as floods, would not affect their livelihoods as they had before.
14 novembre 2022
Stories of Change: Cash Case Stories from The Philippines
Étude de casOrganisation:
PCWGStories of Change: Cash stories from the Philippines Cash Working Group (PCWG) provides insight into the Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) of various humanitarian organisations, including Philippines RC, particularly as a modality of assistance for disasters and emergencies.
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