Transferts monétaires et santé

Les dépenses de santé peuvent grandement différer entre les ménages étant donné qu’elles sont basées sur des risques plutôt que sur une moyenne des besoins. Pour cette raison, s’assurer d’un accès aux services de santé pour les personnes affectées par les crises pose des défis spécifiques pour les organisations humanitaires. L’assistance monétaire et en coupons est un outil complémentaire aux programmes traditionnels visant à fournir des soins.

© Norcross, Cox Bazaar ERU field hospital

En lien avec les engagement pris lors du “Grand Bargain” pour augmenter l’utilisation et la coordination des transferts monétaires, le Mouvement International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge s’est engagé à mettre en place, coordonner et développer les transferts monétaires pour les interventions en santé.
Explorez cette page pour des ressources liées aux exemples les plus récents, aux apprentissages et aux aspects techniques de l’utilisation des transferts monétaires comme d’un outil pour les programmes de santé au sein du Mouvement.

Résultats de recherche

5 septembre 2022

Cash for Health Outcomes





The RCRCM CVA for Health Outcomes Technical Working Group Position Paper on Cash for Health Outcomes explores how CVA (a form of demand side financing) can be used to support health outcomes, as a complement to supply side interventions, and highlight some of the key considerations.

  • Cash and health

10 mars 2022

Cash for Health Webinar 10 March 2022 – Slides




RCRCM CVA for Health TWG

Slides for the The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Technical Working Group Webinar on the 10 March 2022. The one hour Webinar presented the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and presented the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society was also presented. This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. Finally the use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs) was discussed.

  • Cash and health

10 mars 2022

Cash for Health Webinar 10 March 2022 – Recording




RCRCM CVA for Health TWG

The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Cash and Voucher Assistance for Health Technical Working Group hosted a Webinar on the 10 March 2022. The one hour Webinar presented the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and presented the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society was also presented This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. The use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs) was also discussed.

  • Cash and health
  • Webinar

4 mars 2022

Video (2min) – Cash for Health in Emergency Taita Taveta, Kenya




Kenya Red Cross

This video briefly shows some of the work Kenya Red Cross Society did to support vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls with children under five years to access health services and overcome financial barriers exacerbated by COVID-19 measures, with cash transfers.

  • Cash and health

26 octobre 2021

Cash for Health in Emergency – End of Phase II Project Report




Kenya Red Cross Society

This report provides an update on a cash for health project implemented between April – July 2021 by the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) to support vulnerable pregnant women, lactating mothers and adolescent girls with children under five years to access health services and overcome financial barriers acerbated by COVID-19 measures, with conditional and unrestricted cash transfers.

  • TM et COVID-19
  • Cash and health

30 avril 2021

Use of cash assistance to address newborn and child health outcomes: an evaluation report of the Taita Taveta cash for health project




British Red Cross

This evaluation sought to measure the effects of the interventions that took place in Taveta Sub county, between October 2020 and March 2021, to improve Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) indicators through unconditional cash transfers distributed to families with children under five years of age and expectant women by the Kenya Red Cross.

  • Afrique
  • Cash and health