Денежные технологии

Цифровые технологии имеют потенциал для изменения способа работы денежных программ. Платформы мобильных платежей уже демонстрируют то, как новые технологии могут оказать большое влияние на эффективность и удобство для людей, получающих денежную помощь. Это всего лишь один пример потенциального использования технологий в этом секторе.

Для получения дополнительной информации о конкретных областях инноваций в области денежных технологий см. следующее:

> Блокчейн и ТРР (технология распределённого реестра)

> RedRose Toolkit

© Pierre Grandidier / IFRC

Результаты поиска

2 июля 2021

Manual: Digital Communication Systems – COVID-19 response





Since March 2020, the 510 Data Team of the Netherlands Red Cross has provided solutions for digital communication of various National Societies. This manual shares information on various systems for digital communication, with details on programmes and platforms used.

  • Cash technology
  • Information management

9 июня 2021

Digital identity: enabling dignified access to humanitarian services in migration





This report sheds light on the needs and concerns of people on the move when it comes to identification, based on interviews with a range of migration experts and stakeholders. The report also makes specific recommendations for organisations contemplating the use of digital technology to identify the migrants they serve.

  • Cash technology
  • Information management

25 мая 2021

Digital Identity: An Analysis for the Humanitarian Sector





Through a series of expert interviews and case studies, this report delves into the humanitarian contexts where organisations are already piloting digital ID solutions, looking at technical, ethical, and sustainability considerations. It shows that digital ID has great potential for use in the humanitarian sector, with benefits to organisations and affected communities alike, while also outlining its limitations and the challenges to overcome.

  • Cash technology

27 апреля 2021

“Doing no harm” in the digital age: What the digitalisation of cash means for humanitarian action





This article explores how cash transfers have changed the way the humanitarian sector delivers assistance. The digitalisation of cash means that the simple click of a button can put money in the hands of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people within minutes. As humanitarians, we need to articulate what “do no harm” means in the digital age, applying this equally to the way we use digital payments to support people affected by armed conflicts and other situations of violence.

  • Cash in conflict
  • Cash technology

1 февраля 2021

Webinar Recording: Practical Guidance for Data Protection in Cash and Voucher Assistance – A supplement to the Cash in Emergencies Toolkit



This webinar was organised to launch a practical guidance document to support for cash practitioners and those managing programmes embedding data protection principles when distributing cash assistance. To download the document click on the link under related resources or visit the CiE Toolkit page of the Cash Hub platform: https://cash-hub.org/guidance-and-tools/cash-in-emergencies-toolkit/

  • Cash technology
  • Webinar

28 января 2021

Practical Guidance for Data Protection in Cash and Voucher Assistance – A supplement to the Cash in Emergencies Toolkit





This guidance provides key considerations on data protection and supports cash practitioners throughout decision making and implementation, while referencing the processes in the Cash in Emergencies toolkit (CiE).

  • Cash technology
  • Information management

В сотрудничестве с:

British Red Cross