Recursos de formación
Disponibles una serie de materiales para el Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja que permiten ampliar conocimientos y capacidades a generalistas, expertos o especialistas en torno al diseño de PTM y a su implementación, para incluirlo en el análisis y respuesta a desastres humanitarios.
Para acceder a los recursos de aprendizaje relacionados con PTM y logística, haga clic aquí.
1 enero 2019
Cash for Support Services Training – Concept Note
RCRCMThe concept note provides the relevant information related to: objectives of the training; targeted audience; participant's profile; and methodology. It can be shared from facilitators to publicise the course and to allow potential participants and their line managers to judge its relevance and the level of commitment required.
4 mayo 2018
IFRC Cash and shelter training
RCRCMFacilitator sessions plans, presentations and hand-outs for the cash and shelter training.
3 mayo 2018
IFRC CTP 4 day ToT materials
RCRCMFacilitator documents, presentations, had outs and guidance for the IFRC training of trainers for CTP training.
2 mayo 2018
IFRC CTP 4 day training materials
RCRCMFacilitator guidance, presentations, case study, handouts and resources for the 4 day introduction to CTP training course.
1 mayo 2018
RCRCM cash training
RCRCMSummary of cash trainings available to RCRCM
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