Transferts Monétaires et abris

Le Mouvement Internationale de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge a une longue histoire d’utilisation des transferts monétaires (TM) pour aider les personnes affectées par des crises à subvenir à leurs besoins en terme d’abris et d’habitation. Les exemples incluent les coupons pour aider les personnes à accéder à des hôtels lors de crises de migration, l’argent comme moyen mettre en œuvre des programmes de reconstructions d’abris gérés par les bénéficiaires, et l’argent pour un soutien à l’hivernage pour aider les personnes à accéder à du matériel d’isolation. Ci-dessous vous trouverez plus d’informations sur le travail du Mouvement International de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge dans ce domaine, en accédant à différentes ressources liées aux transferts monétaires et à l’abris.

© Alanah Torralba/ IFRC

L’assistance à la location est une option de programme en abris particulièrement adéquate dans des contextes urbains. La FICR a récemment développé ses ressources sur ce sujet et elles peuvent être accessibles sur cette page dédiée: Rental Assistance is a shelter programming option particularly suited to urban contexts. IFRC has recently been developing resources on this and they can be accessed on this page dedicated to:

> Assistance à la location

Ressources clés (en anglais):

Résultats de recherche

9 novembre 2023

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programme in Response to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Emergency Appeal – Workshop Report




Hungarian Red Cross

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) implemented a cash response strategy to support Ukrainians living in Hungary. This initiative aimed to assist those displaced by the international armed conflict in Ukraine. By leveraging cash and voucher assistance (CVA), IFRC provided aid to affected individuals to meet their basic needs. IFRC together with the Hungarian RC carried out humanitarian advocacy efforts to mainstream cash and voucher assistance in its response for people impacted by the crisis in Ukraine and living in Hungary. The advocacy was held by IFRC and HRC leadership, as well as the technical level. These efforts paved the way for a nationwide humanitarian cash assistance to meet the basic needs of people affected by the crisis and living in Hungary.

  • TM en situation de conflit

13 avril 2023

Cash Assistance in Yemen: Mohammed and Nima's stories




British Red Cross

Cash assistance is considered one of the most effective way of addressing the variety of needs of affected people, as it promotes the freedom to choose and determine their own needs in terms of food, drinking water, health care, school fees, and improving housing and shelter. 23.4 million people inside Yemen are in dire need of humanitarian protection (according to INGOs) and suffer from poverty, difficult economic conditions, and lack of job opportunities. A pilot cash transfer project was designed and implemented by YRCS in Amran governorate of Eyal suriah district.

  • TM en situation de conflit

5 janvier 2023

Stories of Change: Cash stories from The Philippines


Étude de cas


Philippine Red Cross

Stories of Change: Cash stories from the Philippines Cash Working Group (PCWG) provides insight into the Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) of the Philippines Red Cross Society, particularly as a modality of assistance for disasters and emergencies.

  • TM et COVID-19

14 novembre 2022

Stories of Change: Cash Case Stories from The Philippines


Étude de cas



Stories of Change: Cash stories from the Philippines Cash Working Group (PCWG) provides insight into the Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) of various humanitarian organisations, including Philippines RC, particularly as a modality of assistance for disasters and emergencies.

  • TM et COVID-19
  • TM et marchés

19 juin 2021

Bahamas Hurricane Dorian Response 2019-2021


Étude de cas


Bahamas Red Cross

This case study highlights the use of multi-purpose cash (MPC), rental assistance and shelter repairs (using cash and voucher assistance) to address shelter needs caused by Hurricane Dorian that made landfall in the Bahamas in September 2019.

29 juillet 2020

Recording of Webinar 8




Cash Hub

Recording of the 8th Webinar of the Cash Hub series focusing on shelter and settlements in relation to the use of cash and markets during COVID-19.