Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Programme in Response to Ukraine and Impacted Countries Crisis Emergency Appeal – Workshop Report
Resource details
Resource type: Report
Organisation: Hungarian Red Cross, IFRC
Region: Europe
Category: CVA in Sectors
Tags: cash, Shelter, Cash in conflict
Publication year: 2023
Language: English
The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) implemented a cash response strategy to support Ukrainians living in Hungary. This initiative aimed to assist those displaced by the international armed conflict in Ukraine. By leveraging cash and voucher assistance (CVA), IFRC provided aid to affected individuals to meet their basic needs. IFRC together with the Hungarian RC carried out humanitarian advocacy efforts to mainstream cash and voucher assistance in its response for people impacted by the crisis in Ukraine and living in Hungary. The advocacy was held by IFRC and HRC leadership, as well as the technical level. These efforts paved the way for a nationwide humanitarian cash assistance to meet the basic needs of people affected by the crisis and living in Hungary.