Cash practitioners development programme
Development Programme Alumni
Find out more about practitioners from the Movement who participated in the cash development programme
The Cash Practitioner Development Programme aims to expand the ready pool of cash experts available to deliver humanitarian cash assistance, and to strengthen the community of qualified practitioners with up-to-date skills in all areas of cash assistance.
Watch the short video below from Hortense, a Cash School Alumni and current Cash Hub Advisor, to hear about her experience in the development programme
2021 Development Programme Alumni
Bulent Ozturk
Bulent is CVA Manager at the IFRC Ankara office to support them on EQ response. He was CVA Coordinator at IFRC for Ukraine operations and he has more than 20 years experience related to disaster management and cash projects previously at Turkish Red Crescent. His Cash School deployment was to Ukraine.
Daniel Wanyoike
Daniel is Program Manager at British Red Cross and he has more than 12 years experiences related to cash project management, data management, monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning. He deployed for Nepal as CVA Delegate to as a part of his deployment process of cash school.
Michael Belaro
Michael recently joined the CALP Network as the Asia-Pacific Regional Representative, following 3 years as the IFRC Regional Coordinator. Michael has more than 15 years of experience related to cash operations and disaster management. During the Cash School, he was deployed to the Whole of Syria response with CashCap and the Philippines.
Shubhadra Devkota
Shubhadra is Program Coordinator in Nepal for the Danish Red Cross. She has more than 18 years experience related to CVA, project management and coordination of multiple projects. As a part of cash school process, she completed her deployment for Africa region remotely.
Nicole Fassina
Nicole was the Operations Manager for Canadian RC and IFRC as well as the Emergency Medical Team Lead at Norweigan RC. She has nearly 10 years experience across Africa, Europe and the Americas related to Disaster Management, Cash and Health Emergency Preparedness and Response. She deployed to Greece as the CVA Delegate as a part of her deployment process for the cash school. She now works in Public Health Emergency Management leading a team back in Canada.
Ali Eren Karadeniz
Ali Eren is CVA Programme Manager at Save the Children and he has more than 8 years experience related to emergency response,disaster management and cash project management. He worked on a remote deployment as CVA Delegate to Indonesia through CashCap as a part of his deployment process of Cash School.
Chisomo Teputepu
Chisomo recently joined ICRC (staff on loan from British RC) as the Cash and Voucher Assistance Preparedness Delegate in Yemen after working with Malawi RC as a Head of Disaster Management and CVA Specialist. Chisomo has more than 13 years’ experience related to Cash and Voucher Assistance, Disaster Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Resilience Building and Project Management. He was deployed twice with the Cash School, as a Cash and Voucher Assistance Delegate to Turkey and remotely to Asia Pacific Region.
Florence Umulisa
Florence is working for the Netherlands Red Cross as Disaster Risk Management delegate (DRR and Anticipatory Actions). She has been working for more than 8 years in Local and international Humanitarian Organizations(In particular Red Cross Movement) supporting technically and managing projects and programs related to Community Resilience , Disaster Risk Management, as well as Cash Transfer Programming. With the Cash Practitioner Development Program(CPDP) , she was deployed in Madagascar and Jordan as Inter-Agency Cash Coordinator by CashCap/NORCAP to support Cash working Groups.
Ramesh Ghimire
Ramesh is a Cash and Market and, shelter Professional with 18 years of extensive working experience in development, disaster risk management, and the humanitarian field at the Red Cross Movement. He was deployed twice with the Cash School to Turkey and Ethiopia as CVA Coordinator. Mr. Ghimire recently completed a mission in the position of CVA Delegate with IFRC Moldova.
Tom Norman
Tom is a Senior Innovation and Business Development Advisor at NORCAP. As a part of his CPD Programme he was deployed to support the CashCap co-hosting of the Iraq CWG and to IFRC in Nigeria as a CVA Delegate to field test CEA tools.
Hortense Sombie
Hortense is currently CVA Learning and Localisation adviser at British Red Cross and a mentor in the Cash school. She has a strong experience in Food Security and Livelihood and cash project management. She was deployed many times by PNSs and IFRC in west African national societies for CVA implementation support, or different assessments.
Daniele Wyss
Daniele is Cash and Voucher Assistance specialist working principally with SDC and the RCRC Movement. Her last mission was Geneva-based, with the ICRC, where she specialised in CVA for Health Outcomes. She has experience related to Cash & Voucher Assistance, Logistics, Project Management and Disaster Management with more than 20 years experience. She was deployed twice, to South Sudan and Turkey, as part of the Cash School
Mohibullah Iqbal
Mohibullah Iqbal is the senior cash and voucher assistant officer and Data Management focal point at the Afghan Red Crescent Society, and he has experience in project management, disaster Management, Cash and Voucher assistance, Data Management, and monitoring and evaluation for more than 12 years. He was deployed twice to the LAO Red Cross and Asia Pacific office IFRC KL based in Islamabad as part of Cash School.
Frederick M. Orimba
Fredrick is working with the German Red Cross as Global Technical Lead for CVA since January 2022 and he had previously worked at Kenya Red Cross Society as Programme Officer and Focal Point. He has experience related to mainly Cash & Voucher Assistance, Community Engagement and Accountability, Disaster Management, and Public Health. He was deployed to Turkey as part of the Cash School learning process.
Leo Otieno
Leo has been in financial management for 3 decades mainly with INGOs in various parts of Africa, Asia and the ME including the RCRC Movement as a Delegate in Afghanistan and with the Norwegian Red Cross as Finance Development Delegate for Africa and Country Manager for Burundi. Initially worked as an external auditor prior to joining the Humanitarian Sector. Joined the CPDP and was in the first cohort that graduated in 2019. Had two CPDP deployments the first in Ukraine and later to Bangladesh. Recently been on a financial management mission with an INGO in Mozambique.
Muhammed Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal is working as Director Operations at Pakistan Red Crescent Society, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. He was deployed for Regional Africa and Pakistan as CVA Delegate as a part of his deployment process of the Cash School. Recently, Muhammad has been selected/nominated as Mentor for the 6 months Cash Development Program for the MENA Region under Cash Centre of Excellence (CCoE)
Nabeh Allaham
Nabeh is the MENA Region, CVA thematic lead at IFRC – Beirut following his role as the CVA coordinator at the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. He had more than 14 years of experience related to disaster management, cash, and livelihood. He was deployed to South Sudan and Kuala Lumpur as a CVA Delegate as a part of his cash school learning.
Kalkidan Belete
Kalkidan is now a cash and markets specialist with ICRC in Syria, following her role as cash and voucher assistance preparedness delegate in Yemen in which she used the role in Yemen to be part of her Cash School learning journey.
Helene Smith
Helene has over twenty years of professional experience in humanitarian contexts and has worked as a cash and market specialist connected to CashCap/NORCAP which is a global provider of CVA expertise to the humanitarian and development sectors. Helene has been deployed as Cash Working Group Coordinator to Uganda and North-West Syria and has also been a member of the CashCap Response team. As a part of cash school process, she completed one deployment to Greece. Currently she is working as Emergency response manager Ukraine for NORCAP/NRC.
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