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18 October, 2021 — 21 October, 2021
This year’s Humanitarian Congress Berlin ‘Aspiring towards global justice – a humanitarian imperative?’ will be held from 18 – 21 October 2021, and will host a discussion on the Universal Right to Social Protection on the 20th of October at 17:00/18:00 CEST — Berlin time.

13 October, 2021
As part of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Planet:Red Summit the Cash Hub is hosting a panel discussion to explore how CVA, and specifically being cash ready, can help to strengthen National Societies (NS) and contribute to more locally-led humanitarian action.

28 September, 2021
As we move towards more digital solutions for CVA, people who do not have a legally recognised ID are often left out of humanitarian assistance programs because they do not meet the minimum requirements by financial service providers. On Tuesday you’ll hear more from the Kenya Red Cross Society and IFRC as well as key stakeholders and local authorities about a pilot project to address this issue.

28 September, 2021
The Permanent Missions of Turkey and Norway, European Union, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)and Turkish Red Crescent Society cordially invite you to a High-Level Side Event on the side lines of the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

22 September, 2021
Considering Protection, Gender and Inclusion (PGI) when delivering Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) is essential to give assistance in an appropriate way, avoiding harm. Zambia Red Cross and Zimbabwe Red Cross will share learning related to PGI and CVA, after a global opening to frame the discussion.

19 August, 2021
Организация: Grand Bargain Cash Sub Group
This webinar will discuss Incorporating gender-sensitivity into linked humanitarian cash and social protection interventions, and is organised by IFRC, UNICEF, FCDO and World Food Programme. The Webinar will be in the English language on 19th August at 8am in Eastern Time (US and Canada) / 2pm Geneva time / 8pm Kuala Lumpur.
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