February 21, 2019

DIGID – Help us with digital IDs

Challenge: Lack of official identity

Due to lack of recognized proof of identity, roughly 1.5 billion individuals face challenges in accessing or enjoying basic rights and services. Imagine not being able to vote, proof employment or financial track records, setting up a bank account, registering a business, land ownership, receiving social protection payments, school enrolment, and even not receiving humanitarian assistance. A recognized ID is the gateway to dignity and equal participation in society.

We want to give control and ownership of personal data back to individuals, and out of multiple NGO systems, and at the same time increase collaboration between NGOs and their beneficiaries, with user consent as a key. Vulnerable populations and their contexts also introduce unique use cases and scenarios for technology, and we want to tackle the problem of Identities in a humanitarian context.

Help us find the solution

We would like to invite private companies, social enterprises, and other institutions to engage in a dialogue process and discuss the problems related to identities we see in the humanitarian space, and to understand concrete ways on how they could be solved using available technologies and know-how.


The project is managed by HIP – Humanitarian Innovation Platform – a collaborative platform that incubates humanitarian innovation. HIP was founded by Norwegian Red Cross, Save The Children, Norwegian Refugee Council & Norwegian Church Aid.


More info: Read the Executive Summary


Join us: Attend one of the Info Session by filling out the form for statement of interests


  • Monday Feb 18., 16:00-18:00 CET (online)
  • Thursday Feb 28., 09:00-11:00 CET (online)
  • Monday March 11., 09:00-11:00 CET (online)
  • Monday March 18, Onsite meetup only, New York (Afternoon EST, tbc)

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