Building Blocks: entry points for humanitarians when linking cash and voucher assistance in nascent Social Protection systems

Building Blocks: entry points for humanitarians when linking cash and voucher assistance in nascent Social Protection systems

February 6, 2020


Humanitarian assistance is often provided in contexts of state fragility, where Social Protection (SP) systems are non-existent, or nascent. In such contexts, humanitarian actors can play a critical role in designing Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) so that it can form the basis for social transfers, and in shaping SP policy. This webinar will explore the successes and challenges of doing this in practice, based on the examples of Haiti, where this collaboration has started since 2015, and Mali, since 2013.


Clément Rouquette, Shock-Responsive Social Protection Advisor, WFP Haiti
Laurore Antoine, Food Security & Resilience Advisor, CARE International
Sigrid Kühlke, Thematic Expert Forced Displacement, Migration and Social Protection – Africa, DG ECHO
Marion Saurel, EU Delegation Mali 


Isabelle Pelly, Independent Consultant


This webinar is the third of the series from the Grand Bargain cash workstream sub-group on linking SP with humanitarian cash. To set the scene, don’t forget to watch the previous webinars on this topic: