Cash Hub Webinar Series

Cash Hub Webinar 19: Learning from COVID-19 response – The Use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

© Pakistan Red Crescent Society

March 17, 2021


Since the outset of COVID-19 response many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NS) have increased their use of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). In this Webinar the Sierra Leone Red Cross and Pakistan Red Crescent Society will share information on their programmes, their challenges and learning. Discussions will relate to first time experiences on distributing CVA without Participating National Society (PNS) support, scaling up CVA use and delivery in short time-frames to meet donor requirements.

There will be a dedicated 10 minutes of this Webinar to allow general questions at the end, and we are lucky to have some of the key global CVA practitioners to support with responses.

Speakers include:
• Atif Ali, Deputy Director Response/CVA, Pakistan Red Crescent
• Yusufu Camara, Sierra Leone Red Cross
During the Question and Answers session, the speakers will be joined by:
• Jo Burton, Global CVA Lead, ICRC
• Emma Delo, Cash and Markets, Team Manager, British Red Cross, Global
• Christina Mangunda, Programme Manager, British Red Cross, Sierra Leone
• Muhammad Qaswar Abbas, Programme Delegate, German Red Cross, Pakistan

The webinar will last 1 hour.

DATE: Wednesday 21 April 2021
TIME: 10:00 Geneva/12:00 Nairobi/17:00 Kuala Lumpur/21:00 Suva
The webinar will be delivered in English