Cash Hub Webinar Series
Cash Hub Webinar 22: Fast Track Cash Preparedness – The use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

© Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent / Swiss Red Cross 2020 (for illustration only, note that Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent did not take part in Fast Track Cash Preparedness)
The COVID-19 response has been a catalyst for many Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies (NSs) to use Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). This has required some NSs to undertake Fast-Track Cash Preparedness to enable them to deliver CVA. This Webinar will explain what Fast Track Cash Preparedness entails and how this differs from the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement standard Cash Preparedness. We will hear examples from Armenian Red Cross and Belarus Red Cross.
Speakers include:
- Hayarpi Karapetyan, CVA focal point, Armenian Red Cross
- Igor Trusov, CVA focal point, Belarus Red Cross
- Bilal Shah, Officer, Cash Preparedness and Capacity Building – Global, IFRC
- Gianluca RIGOLIO, Cash Coordinator, Regional Office Europe, IFRC
DATE: Wednesday 09 June 2021
TIME: 10:00 Geneva/11:00 Nairobi/16:00 Kuala Lumpur/20:00 Suva
The webinar will last 1 hour and will be delivered in English.