Cash Transfers for Nutrition: Regional Webinar

Cash Transfers for Nutrition: Regional Webinar

November 3, 2022


This webinar, hosted by CaLP, in partnership with UNICEF, Save the Children and the Red Cross Movement, aims to build the capacity of actors in the region on the analysis and adaptations to design and use cash transfer modalities to prevent malnutrition. Below is the agenda for the meeting;


11:00-11:15: Introduction and actual situation on the use of the Cash Transfer modality for nutrition / identification of gaps in the design phase

11:15-12:00: Case studies on how to design the Cash for Nutrition modality + Questions and Answers

  • Red Cross Red Crescent Movement / Niger
  • WFP / Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger
  • UNICEF / Mauritania

12:00-12:10: Feedback from the Cash Nut workshop in Nigeria (Save the Children)

12:10-12:25: Panel discussion

12:25-12:30: Closing and polling to identify focus for further webinars on Cash Transfers for Nutrition