Strengthening Linkages with Social Protection: RCRC experiences and way forward
Climate Conference Session on Social Protection
10 September 09:30 11:00 Europe/London (BST)
At times of crisis, linking, building on, or aligning humanitarian interventions with national social protection programmes and systems can contribute to an efficient and effective response and achieve lasting results. The unprecedented crisis arising from COVID-19 has accelerated linkages between humanitarian actors, including the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, and governments, who have collaborated to adapt and expand coverage of cash and social protection interventions. As we face a future of increasing climate extremes and eroded livelihoods because of climate change, we need, now more than ever, to find long term, nationally-led, sustainable ways to deal with emergencies. Linking humanitarian action with social protection efforts might provide an opportunity to reach those more at risk from climate change. Learn about the work of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in this field, by hearing about the diverse and innovative ways in which National Societies (Kenya, Malawi, Philippines, Pakistan) and others in the Movement are linking cash-based programming and early action work with the social protection efforts in their countries.
The session will feature short, insightful talks and discussions and ample time for open explorations and brainstorming around the topic with key discussants.
• Fredrick Orimba (KRCS)
• Roster Kufandiko (MRCS)
• Michael Belaro (IFRC)
• Caroline Holt (IFRC)
• Andra Gulei (BRC, TWG)
Cecilia Costella (Climate Centre)