Digital Solutions for CVA
Humanitarian Digital Identities and DIGID Project in Kenya

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On Tuesday 28th September at 10am EAT (9am GVA time) we will be sharing our experiences in piloting digital identities for cash and voucher assistance.
As we move towards more digital solutions for CVA, people who do not have a legally recognised ID are often left out of humanitarian assistance programs because they do not meet the minimum requirements by financial service providers (Know Your Customer requirements). Digital identities present a possible solution to ensuring inclusivity of those most marginalised.
On Tuesday you’ll hear more from the Kenya Red Cross Society and IFRC as well as key stakeholders and local authorities on the pilot project and have the opportunity to ask questions and engage further.
Click here to access the Zoom call and use the passcode below to join.
Meeting ID: 890 5900 9396 Passcode: 556553