Linking Cash and Voucher Assistance and Social Protection in forced displacement contexts

Cash and Voucher Assistance and Social Protection in forced displacement contexts

January 23, 2020


Thu, Jan 23, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM GMT


  • The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, IFRC
  • United Nations Children’s Fund, UNICEF
  • UK Department for International Development, DFID

Higher numbers than ever before are forcibly displaced globally, for an average of 5 years, and a large proportion of humanitarian assistance, including Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA), is being provided in response to these needs. In these contexts:


    • Highlight the opportunities, challenges and key considerations for linking forcibly displaced populations to SP systems
    • Showcase Turkey as a successful example of aligning assistance for refugees and nationals
    • Debate the feasibility of replicating such linkages in different contexts considering political willingness, system maturity, and funding
    • Facilitate dialogue between humanitarian and SP stakeholders on this topic


      • Orhan Hacimehmet, Turkish Red Crescent
      • Nona Zicherman, UNICEF Turkey


      • Isabelle Pelly, Independent Consultant


      This webinar is the second of the series from the Grand Bargain cash workstream sub-group on linking SP with humanitarian cash. To set the scene, don’t forget to watch the foundational webinar on this topic: Demystifying the entry points for humanitarians.