RCRC Movement CVA for Health Outcomes TWG Webinar
RCRC Movement CVA for Health Outcomes TWG Webinar – March 2022

Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) for Health Outcomes Technical Working Group (TWG) Webinar
This one hour Webinar will explain the role that CVA can play in RCRC operations to achieve Health Outcomes and present the position paper on this subject. A recent practical example from the Cash for Health in Emergencies project by Kenya Red Cross society will be presented. This project used CVA to promote maternal health, including access to ante-natal care, and child health, focusing on nutrition. There will also be an update on the use of CVA in the Health Emergency Response Units (ERUs), and some time for discussion.
Speakers include:
- Ansa M. Jørgensen, Cash and Health Coordinator, Norwegian Red Cross
- Danièle Wyss, Institutional Cash & Voucher Assistance Programme Officer, ICRC
- Fredrick Orimba, formerly the CVA focal point with Kenya Red Cross Society, and now German Red Cross Technical Lead, CVA and Social Protection
The webinar will last 1 hour and be delivered in English.
DATE: Thursday 10 March 2022
TIME: 10:00 Geneva / 12:00 Nairobi /17:00 Kuala Lumpur