Universal Right to Social Protection by 2030? Humanitarian pathways to support national social systems in managing climate risks
Aspiring towards global justice – a humanitarian imperative? Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2021

This year’s Humanitarian Congress Berlin ‘Aspiring towards global justice – a humanitarian imperative?’ will be held from 18 – 21 October 2021, and will host a discussion on the Universal Right to Social Protection on the 20th of October at 17:00/18:00 CEST – Berlin time.
From a rights-based approach, we explore the feasibility of achieving Universal Social Protection by 2030 (USP 2030) and what the USP 2030 initiative looks like. As a benchmark we examine government responses to COVID-19 to see how systems were able to adapt, or not, and what role humanitarians played, and can play, in working towards USP 2030.
A case study of Pakistan social protection responses to COVID-19 will be presented by Dr Sania Nishtar.
Session Objectives:
- To understand how social protection is a crucial tool for building rights-based climate resilience.
- To understand social protection systems´ performance in response to the unprecedented impacts of the covid-19 pandemic (especially scale, coverage)
- To share and learn from the experiences, challenges, and opportunities, of using social protection systems for humanitarian response
Click here to download the programme.