Cash Hub Webinar Series

Webinar 13: Adapting to COVID-19 The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

October 21, 2020


TIME: 10:00 Geneva/16:00 Kuala Lumpur /20:00 Suva
The webinar will be delivered in English 

The webinar will focus on how Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be used to support health outcomes by improving access to and utilisation of health care services in humanitarian contexts, with reference to examples from Greece and DR Congo.

Speakers Include:

  • Mark James Johnson, Health and Care Department, IFRC
  • Jo Burton, Global Cash and Markets Lead, ICRC
  • Ansa Masaud Baloch Jørgensen, (Cash and Health Coordinator, Norwegian Red Cross) 
  • Sophia Peponi, Director of Programme Dept. Cash Transfer Programming (CTP) Coordinator, Hellenic Red Cross 
  • Jan van Zoelen, former Cash & Markets Specialist, DRC

The webinar will last 1 hour and there will be a Q&A at the end of the talk.