Cash Hub Webinar Series

Webinar 14: Health – Adapting to COVID-19 The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement

November 4, 2020


TIME: 10:00 Geneva/17:00 Kuala Lumpur /21:00 Suva

The webinar will focus on monitoring in relation to Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA). In particular, we will look at outcome indicators, the importance of better expenditure monitoring, recent work on well-being indicators, and share practice from Turkish Red Crescent of running remote focus group discussions (FGDs). We aim to allow significant time for discussion and Q&A in this Webinar.
Speakers Include:

• Jo Burton, Global Cash and Markets Lead, ICRC
• Emma Delo, Cash & Markets Technical Team Manager, British Red Cross
• Michael Belaro, Regional Coordinator, Cash Assistance, Asia-Pacific, IFRC 
• Turkish Red Crescent /Türk Kızılay – Speaker to be confirmed
The webinar will last 1 hour and there will be Q&A throughout.