Cash Hub Webinar Series
Webinar 17: Cash Preparedness – The Use of Cash & Markets in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement
TIME: 10:00 Geneva/12:00 Nairobi/17:00 Kuala Lumpur/21:00 Suva
The webinar will focus on cash preparedness – why it is important, what is involved, and examples will be shared from Viet Nam Red Cross Society and Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent to show how investments in cash preparedness can lead to a more effective and at scale CVA response. There will be time for Q&A in this Webinar.
Speakers Include:
• Ines Dalmau Gutsens, Cash and Markets Advisor, British Red Cross and Cash Preparedness Working Group Chair
• Bilal Hussain Shah – Cash Preparedness Officer, Global Cash Transfer Programming, IFRC
• Pham Thanh My- CVA Focal Point, Viet Nam Red Cross
• Bermet Muradylova – CVA Focal Point, Kyrgyzstan Red Crescent
• Bektur Imankulov – CVA regional coordinator, IFRC ROE
The webinar will last 1 hour and there will be Q&A throughout. The webinar will be delivered in English