Cash Hub Webinar Series
Webinar 5: Adapting to COVID-19 The Use of Cash and Markets in the Red Cross

Register now for the 5th Cash Hub webinar focusing on CEA and Cash, as part of the series on: “Adapting to COVID19 – The Use of Cash in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement”.
This will take place on Wednesday 1st of July, at 08:00am Washington/14:00 Geneva/20:00 Kuala Lumpur.
After registering will be emailed the WebEX link and a password that you will need to join the Webinar after registration. Registering for the entire Webinar series is possible filling your preference in Question 7: this will allow you to avoid registration next time, and simply access via the link.
The webinar will explore the links between Community Engagement and Accountability (CEA) for Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) during the COVID-19 pandemic, with examples from Kenya and Bangladesh:
- Sophie Everest – Community Engagement & Accountability Adviser, British Red Cross Society
- Fredrick M. Orimba – CVA Focal Point, Department of Disaster Management, Kenya Red Cross Society
- Monira Parvin – CEA Manager, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society
- Kamrul Mohammad Kamrul Hasan – PMEAL Manager & CEA Focal Point British Red Cross, Bangladesh Delegation
- Indu Nepal – Community Engagement Lead, ICRC
The webinar will last 1 hour and there will be a 15 minute Q&A session supported by ICRC