Individual referral: Sharing data on a person with a partner, donor or government for follow-up services

Resource details

Resource details

Resource type: Report

Organisation: ECHO, IFRC, Norwegian Red Cross, NRC, Save the Children

Region: Global

Tags: Cash technology, DIGID, Information management

Publication year: 2023

Language: English



In many cases organizations collect and hold sensitive personal data on the people they are supporting. This may include names, addresses, phone numbers, biometric data, bank account information and an assessment of their needs and vulnerability. Separate to the challenges of an organization managing this data responsibility, there are also circumstances where it may be necessary to share this data with other organizations. This use case considers cases where data may need to be shared to enable continuity of services, enable integrated programming, provide protection referrals, manage complaints, respond to donor audit requirements or in response to requests (or demands) from governments (or other authorities).