Transforming Lives: the impact of cash assistance on people’s wellbeing – A Case Study from Syria
Resource details
Resource type: Case study
Organisation: Syrian Arab Red Crescent
Region: Middle East and North Africa
Category: CVA in Sectors, Early Action and Emergencies
Tags: cash, Cash in conflict, cva, Emergencies, Health, Livelihoods, Localisation, wellbeing, Social relations, community
Publication year: 2025
Language: English
In response to the 2023 earthquake, the Syrian Arab Red Crescent, supported by various humanitarian partners, implemented a multipurpose cash assistance programme to provide relief to affected families. Over 49,000 households, consisting of around 204,635 individuals, received a one-off payment to enable them to meet their basic needs for three months. This case study examines the impact of this assistance on recipients’ wellbeing.