Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the Americas region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search different resources including case studies, photos, articles and evaluations below.
Latest news and events
29 September 2023
Americas CoP Meeting: Cash and Voucher Assistance, Cash Preparedness for Effective Response
IFRCThe 3rd Americas Cash Community of Practice virtual meeting, focusing on the Self-Assessment Process for Preparedness in Monetary Transfer Programs/Cash and Voucher Assistance Preparedness (CVAP)
29 September 2023
Americas Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) Newsletter: January – April
IFRCApril to January 2023 CVA newsletter for the Americas region including current overview, highlights, upcoming events and recommended training.
16 May 2023
IFRC Regional Delivery Mechanism: Visa prepaid cards overview
IFRCThis infographic details information about the new regional CVA delivery mechanism, Visa prepaid cards, being used by the IFRC in the Americas region. In Spanish and English.
16 May 2023
Counting Cash for the Americas: 2022 data
IFRCInfographic detailing the results of the 2022 Counting Cash operation in the Americas region
14 November 2022
Potential effects of high inflation in the Americas region
IFRCThis report examines the effects of inflation in the Americas region, including the programmatic risks identified and offers technical recommendations
3 March 2022
CVA in Migration Context – Voices of Migrants in Colombia
Cruz Roja Colombiana, IFRCThe National Society of the Colombian Red Cross (SNCRC) sought to discover and analyse the perception of migrants in Colombia regarding CVA, listening to their voices and identifying their preferences concerning different delivery mechanisms, as well as their perspectives on the opportunities and risks presented by digital identities in humanitarian action.
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