Rental assistance

People forced to leave their homes by a crisis would often prefer to rent a room, an apartment, or a house rather than live in a make-shift shelter or camp. This is particularly the case in urban areas. Rental Assistance is an area of programming often involving a Rental Payment component, and one that the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement has a history of undertaking.

© Bahamas Red Cross/ IFRC

If you wish to learn more about rental assistance programming, and how we can use it to help people access adequate and affordable accommodation, stay safe, and retain their dignity see the key resources below.

Search results

19 June 2021

Bahamas Hurricane Dorian Response 2019-2021


Case study


Bahamas Red Cross

This case study highlights the use of multi-purpose cash (MPC), rental assistance and shelter repairs (using cash and voucher assistance) to address shelter needs caused by Hurricane Dorian that made landfall in the Bahamas in September 2019.

  • Rental Assistance
  • Shelter

9 February 2021

Tip Sheet for Rental Assistance Programming


Tip sheet


Cash Hub

This tip sheet provides selected abstracts and summaries from the IFRC (2020) Step-by-Step Guide for Rental Assistance to People Affected by Crisis, and introduces the reader to some of the key concepts related to Rental Assistance Programming.

  • COVID-19
  • Rental Assistance

14 October 2020

IFRC Rental Assistance Guidance – Global Launch (webinar)





This is the recording of the global launch of the "Step-by-step rental assistance guide" introduced by a panel of experts from IFRC, ICRC, CashCap and BRC who also shared key considerations on the use of rental assistance.

  • Rental Assistance
  • Video

14 July 2020

Step-by-step guide for rental assistance to people affected by crisis





The objective of this step-by-step guide is to provide a framework for how to plan, design and implement a successful rental assistance programme. Examples and tools have also been included to practically illustrate and support successful programme delivery.

  • Rental Assistance
  • Shelter