Cash in emergencies
Cash in Emergencies focuses on cash assistance programming in the immediate aftermath of a sudden onset disaster. Explore this page for case studies, lessons learned and other informational materials on cash assistance in emergencies.
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1 March 2019
Kizilaykart Cash Based Assistance Programmes, Livelihoods Survey Findings
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)Livelihood survey to understand the profile of “Emergency Social Safety Net Programme” (ESSN) applicants and to collect data on their education level, employment status and barriers.
12 September 2018
How the Red Cross uses cash assistance in emergencies
British Red CrossNatural disasters and conflict can limit people’s individual freedom and their ability to make meaningful choices in times of crisis. This video gives an overview of the impact of cash assistance in an emergency with examples from Kenya and the British Virgin Islands.
1 August 2018
British Virgin Islands Joint Cash Platform Evaluation: Building an evidence base on operational models for the delivery of cash transfer programming
British Red Cross, British Virgin Islands Red Cross, Caritas, CRSEvaluation analysing aspects of the British Virgin Islands Joint Cash Platform (JCP) Operational Model (OM) following hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. The evaluation focuses on aspects of the JCP…
1 August 2018
British Virgin Islands Joint Cash Platform: Case study for the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Case studyOrganization:
British Red Cross, British Virgin Islands Red CrossThis case study highlights learning from the establishment of a Joint Cash Platform to deliver cash for emergency and recovery needs in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) following hurricanes Irma…
23 August 2017
Handbook on Data Protection in Humanitarian Action
ICRC and Brussels Privacy HubThis Handbook was published as part of the Brussels Privacy Hub and ICRC’s Data Protection in Humanitarian Action project. It is aimed at the staff of humanitarian organizations involved in…
15 May 2017
A crucial lifeline is restoring dignity for drought-affected families in Somalia
ICRCFarmers were hit by successive failed rains that has exacerbated the drought conditions across Somalia. Cash given by ICRC via mobile money has helped Isaaq to buy food for his…
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