Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Türkiye

Our goal is to positively change the situation of people affected by crisis or displacement. For this reason, we are constantly monitoring and evaluating our activities to ensure that they result in the desired impact. This section focuses on the effectiveness and impact of humanitarian cash assistance programmes, including findings from these processes, best practices and lessons learned.

9 August 2018

The Facility for Refugees in Turkey: helpful support, but improvements needed to deliver more value for money




European Court of Auditors

The scope of the audit was to assess the management of the Facility and the results achieved so far. The audit covered the period from the establishment of the Facility until 31 March 2018. The main audit question was: ‘Is the Facility for Refugees in Turkey effectively supporting refugees in Turkey?’.

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey

23 July 2018

Emergency Social Safety Net Post-Distribution Monitoring Report – Round 1




Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay), WFP, World Bank

This report provides an assessment of the initial effects of the ESSN assistance on beneficiary households, using data of refugees living off-camp before and after receiving ESSN cash assistance. The results presented here are preliminary, and provide only a snapshot of the results from two surveys: Pre-Assistance Baseline (PAB) and Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM).

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey

18 April 2018

Multi Sector Needs Assessment of Syrians In Turkey’s South-Eastern Provinces





In 2017, the International Organization of Migration (IOM) office in Gaziantep, Turkey undertook a multisector needs assessment survey of 19,454 Syrian refugee households (over 100,000 beneficiaries) across four south-eastern provinces: Adıyaman, Gaziantep, Hatay and Şanlıurfa. The assessment included questions related to basic needs, education, livelihoods, protection and shelter.

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey

30 November 2017

Refugee, Asylum-seeker, and Migrant Perceptions on Cash Assistance – Cash transfer survey




Ground Truth Solutions, Mixed Migration Platform

This report analyses the views of refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants surveyed in Istanbul, Gaziantep, and Izmir, Turkey between 29 September and 18 October 2017. The surveys focused specifically on cash and voucher assistance programmes and are part of a series of data collection rounds carried out by Ground Truth Solutions in Turkey, under the Mixed Migration Platform.

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey

25 September 2017

Humanitarian Assistance to Refugees in Turkey: Pre-Assistance Baseline Results




Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay), WFP, World Bank

The report includes findings on the impact of the ESSN programme, as well as details of the pre-assistance baseline, its results – including profile of beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries, assistance performance indicators, simulated impact of the ESSN on poverty levels – and an overview of the next steps

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey

17 May 2017

Profiling of caseload in need of cash-based interventions – Results




Inter-agency coordination Turkey

This “Cash Gap Analysis” is aimed to profile the refugee population in Turkey who require cash assistance to meet their basic needs and, in the absence of such assistance, may face heightened vulnerability to certain protection issues (e.g. child labour, early marriage, etc.). The findings are intended to inform programming and ways forward to ensure that all Syrian and non-Syrian refugees in Turkey are able to meet their basic needs.

  • Impact and effectiveness of cash assistance – Cash in Turkey