Shock-responsive programming – Cash in Türkiye

Due to the changing context in and out of Türkiye and emerging hazards, we strive for high adaptibility and preparedness in our cash assistance programmes to continuously meet the needs of affected communities.

22 November 2020

Adapting to New Normal: Remote Focus Group Discussions During COVID-19




Turkish Red Crescent

Within the scope of Kızılaykart programmes, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) are being conducted by the households themselves or Turkish Red Crescent Community Centers where available. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19 and its related health risks, face to face FGDs could not be carried out as usual. Therefore, to enable a quick response to the pandemic situation, the current modality for FGDs has been adapted to minimise the impact of COVID-19 and to ensure the uninterrupted continuity of monitoring activities.

  • Shock-responsive programming – Cash in Turkey

3 June 2020

Turkey Impact of COVID-19: On refugee populations benefitting from the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSP) Programme




ECHO, IFRC, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)

The purpose of the survey was to gather data on the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on the lives of refugees benefiting from the ESSN programme to inform future implementation. The rapid assessment was conducted from 8-14 April 2020 and included 468 households. Information was collected on the income and employment situation, access to basic services and ability to use the Kızılaykart.

  • Shock-responsive programming – Cash in Turkey