Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the Europe region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search different resources including case studies, photos, articles and evaluations below.

© Anita Dullard / IFRC
21 July 2020
Turkey’s Refugee Resilience: Expanding and Improving Solutions for the Economic Inclusion of Syrians in Turkey
UNDPThis report provided an updated analysis of the situation to date and of results achieved by various actors so far in facilitating socio-economic inclusion of Syrians, expands the range of solutions currently available, notably on private-sector engagement and digital livelihoods opportunity, and shares policy recommendations on how to make the most out of the positive impact of the refugee presence, and increase the impact of ongoing and future programming.
3 June 2020
Survey on the Impact of COVID-19 on Enterprises in Turkey (11-22 May 2020)
Business for GoalsThis reports is based on the results of a second survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on enterprises. The survey was administered online over the nationwide network of TURKONFED and TUSIAD. A total of 619 enterprises that participated in the survey responded to 26 questions about the impact of COVID-19, their prediction about evolution of the crisis and the kind of measures they need. The same questionnaire was administered to Syrian-owned enterprises through the UNDP which elicited responses from 32 enterprises.
3 June 2020
Turkey Impact of COVID-19: On refugee populations benefitting from the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSP) Programme
ECHO, IFRC, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)The purpose of the survey was to gather data on the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on the lives of refugees benefiting from the ESSN programme to inform future implementation. The rapid assessment was conducted from 8-14 April 2020 and included 468 households. Information was collected on the income and employment situation, access to basic services and ability to use the Kızılaykart.
15 May 2020
Impact of covid-19 on refugee populations benefitting from the Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) programme: Assessment report
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)The assessment was conducted with an aim of gathering data on the economic and social impact of COVID-19 on the lives of refugees benefitting from the ESSN programme, to inform future implementation. The rapid assessment was conducted from 8-14 April 2020 and included 468 households. Information was collected on the income and employment situation, access to basic services and ability to use the Kızılaykart.
1 April 2020
Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) – monthly report April 2020 (Issue n.1)
Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)Short overview of programmatic highlights and achievements, as well as information on the use of cash and recipients in Turkey where the ESSN programme has been supporting about 1.7 million refugees a month.
23 February 2020
ESSN Mid-Term Review 2018/2019
Development Analytics, Oxford Policy Management, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay), WFPThis review focuses on four programmatic developments, specifically: (1) the SASF discretionary allowance, (2) outreach teams, (3) protection referrals and (4) the severe disability allowance. This review also examines the impact of the 2018 economic slowdown in Turkey on ESSN beneficiaries (5).
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