Discover all the videos published on the Cash Hub platform, searching by keyword, and learn about the use of cash in different contexts. To flag a video that could be added to this library contact us with a link to the new resource.
2 March 2022
Europe Regional Session – Global Cash Forum (Video recording)
Cash HubRecording of the Europe Regional Session that took place during the Global Cash Forum of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement on the 10th of February 2022.
17 February 2022
High-Level Dialogue – Global Cash Forum
Cash Hub, ICRC, IFRCRecording of the High-Level Dialogue that took place during the Global Cash Forum on the 10th of February 2022.
2 February 2022
Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance – Kenya pilot (trailer)
IFRCThe Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project seeks to address the lack official forms of identification of people requiring assistance. In May 2021, KRCS and IFRC with the support of the DIGID consortium piloted the use of digital ID for cash assistance in Mathare and Turkana as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
2 February 2022
Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance – Kenya pilot (full video)
IFRCThe Dignified Identities in Cash Assistance (DIGID) project seeks to address the lack official forms of identification of people requiring assistance. In May 2021, KRCS and IFRC with the support of the DIGID consortium piloted the use of digital ID for cash assistance in Mathare and Turkana as part of its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
23 January 2022
Using cash assistance to support migrants in Colombia
Colombian Red Cross, IFRCFind out more about the national strategy of the Colombian Red Cross to support to migrants with cash and voucher assistance.
19 November 2021
GDP 2020 Session: What? You want to give cash before disaster strikes with a 5-day lead time!
Anticipation Hub, Cash HubThe Cash Hub and the newly launched Anticipation Hub hosted a joint session to showcase the latest cash-based early action activations across the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
20 October 2021
Localisation and Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) – Cash Hub panel discussion recording
Cash HubAs part of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Planet:Red Summit, the Cash Hub hosted a panel discussion to explore how CVA, and specifically cash preparedness, can help to strengthen National Societies and contribute to more locally-led humanitarian action.
7 October 2021
Cash Programming in the Times of COVID-19: Scaling Reach and Strengthening Local Action
Bangladesh Red Crescent, CAMEALEON, DG ECHO, Kenya Red Cross Society, Turkish Red Crescent (Türk Kızılay)This UNGA side event allowed to share learning on the role of CVA during COVID-19 with remarks from the Governments of Turkey, Bangladesh and Norway, the IFRC, DG ECHO and panellists from the Turkish Red Crescent, the Bangladesh Red Crescent and the Kenya Red Cross as well as the CAMEALEON initiative in Lebanon.
8 July 2021
Localising finance and leveraging local resources: voucher and cash-based assistance
World Humanitarian ForumRecording of a World Humanitarian Forum event on localising finance and leveraging local resources when using cash and voucher assistance, with speakers from the British Red Cross, the Humanitarian Logistics Association and Save the Children International.
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