IFRC Data and Digital Week
Data and Digital week – register to this session to find out about the use of RedRose in Rwanda

RedRose is a data management platform used since 2017 by different Movement partners, primarily for cash and voucher assistance.
The Rwandan Red Cross started its implementation of the RedRose platform in 2020 with the support of the British Red Cross and IFRC.
Register to this session to hear a brief introduction of RedRose from the field team in Rwanda on the 23rd of April, between 12:30 pm – 1:00 pm (Geneva time).
You can also find more information on RedRose on its dedicated section: click here to visit the RedRose web page on the Cash Hub platform.
Another event related to RedRose will take place at 13:00 pm – 13:30 pm (Geneva time) in French, and share information on the experience in Burkina Faso. Click here to visit the event page and register to this session in French.