Dignified Identities in humanitarian action: Journey and reflection

Resource details

Resource details

Resource type: Report

Organisation: American Red Cross, ICHA, IFRC, Innovation Norway, Kenya Red Cross, Norwegian Church Aid, Norwegian Red Cross, Save the Children, Uganda Red Cross

Region: Africa

Category: Information Management and Technology

Tags: DIGID, Information management

Publication year: 2023

Language: English



This report summarizes the journey and achievements of the Dignified Identity in Cash Assistance (DIGID) consortium to develop, test and validate the humanitarian digital identity concept it launched in 2019 in cash assistance and continuity of health care, and in migration contexts in Kenya and Uganda. With support from the Kenya Red Cross, Uganda Red Cross and Save the Children Kenya, the consortium transitioned the DIGID solution from pilot to scale and conducted user consultations with key stakeholders, implemented pilot and simulation projects, published research and lessons learnt reports, and engaged in discussions with other humanitarian thought leaders to share knowledge. Read the report to learn more.