Learn more about the cash programmes and work within the African region, carried out by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. Search different resources including case studies, photos, articles and evaluations.
The Africa Community of Practice online space is dedicated to National Societies in the Africa region, enabling information sharing and progress updates, as well as access to country specific tools and learning opportunities.

© Ville Palonen / Finnish Red Cross
27 February 2020
Short video – ICHA Shelter reconstruction process learning review (2’21”)
ICHA, Kenya Red CrossShort video offering an overview (2’21”) of the implementation of a shelter recovery programme using a mixed approach including community participation, cash and voucher assistance, and innovative technology (RedRose) to respond to floods in Kenya in 2018.
10 December 2019
Cash Preparedness, Niger Red Cross
BRC, Niger Red CrossShort interview with the Secretary General of the Niger Red Cross, who explains the work of the National Society in relation to cash preparedness and cash programming in the context…
1 December 2019
Investing in Cash and Voucher Coordination in Kenya
Case studyOrganization:
BRC, Cash HubCase study focusing on CVA coordination in Kenya and the need to invest in the right cash coordination architecture in advance to strengthen the overall impact of CVA.
1 October 2019
Case Study: Drought Early Warning Early Action: Using Cash Assistance
Case studyOrganization:
BRC, Kenya Red CrossCase study on the use of drought early warning to implement early actions in the context of food insecurity. These included pre-registration of vulnerable households and multi-purpose cash transfers in…
1 July 2019
Safe Rebuilding: A Mixed Approach to Shelter Response Following the 2018 Floods in Kenya
Case studyOrganization:
ICHA, Kenya Red CrossCase study on the implementation of a shelter recovery programme using a mixed approach including community participation, cash and voucher assistance, and innovative technology (RedRose) to respond to floods in Kenya in 2018.
12 June 2017
Kenya: Cash assistance is putting more than just food on the table
ICRCHaduko who lives in Kenya’s drought affected Tana Delta region has just received a cash transfer message on her mobile phone. She makes her way to a mobile money vendor…
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