Cash and WASH
Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) activities are key to ensure people have access to their basic needs during and after a disaster.
Cash assistance can be used to restore access to Water and Sanitation and restore Hygiene practices of communities. For example, cash assistance can be provided to incentivise the building of latrines or other essential sanitation services, to purchase hygiene products, or to pay for water utilities. Below you can find out more about the work of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in this field, accessing different resources related to cash and wash.

©Corinne Ambler/IFRC
The Cash and Wash Technical Working Group of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, has created a site dedicated to this topic which can be accessed clicking here.
For practitioners interested in the use of cash and voucher assistance to support WASH outcomes, some essential resources can be found on the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) website.
The IFRC Watsan Mission Assistant shares a range of resources related to WASH, which can be accessed clicking here. The Watsan Mission Assistant page dedicated to cash is under development and can be found here.
Key documents:
- Short overview document how cash and voucher assistance can support WASH outcomes: “What does “Cash” mean for WASH Outcomes?“
External resources:
- Evidence-building for cash and markets for WASH in emergencies – Summary of findings (GWC)
- Practices in MBP in the Water Sub-sector (GWC)
- Practices in MBP in the Sanitation Sub-sector (GWC)
- Practices in MBP in the Hygiene sub-sector (GWC)
- Practices Related to the use of MPC for WASH Outcomes (GWC)
- MBP for WASH Evidence Mapping (GWC)
- Cash for latrines (UNHCR)
- Cash Based Interventions for WASH Programmes in Refugee Settings (UNHCR)
- Market-based Programming in WASH – Technical Guidance for Humanitarian Practitioners (GWC)
1 August 2020
Integrating cash transfers to COVID-19 response: building community resilience in Rakhine
Case studyOrganization:
IFRC, Myanmar Red Cross SocietyThis case study gives an overview of the Community Resilience Program (CRP), a multi-year resilience programme integrated with the COVID-19 response, to support community-led actions for prevention and mitigation of socioeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 in central Rakhine.
1 July 2020
Cash Interventions: Key Learnings and Reflection – Myanmar Red Cross Society’s Cash Programmes in Central Rakhine
BRC, IFRC, Myanmar Red Cross SocietyThis paper summarises the findings of a study dedicated to reflect, analyse and learn from a Cash and Voucher Assistance programme implemented in the Rakhine state from 2014 to 2019 by the Myanmar Red Cross Society.
14 May 2018
Using CVA for menstrual hygiene (Tool 5/ Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) in Emergencies)
IFRCThis tool provides key assessment questions and considerations for using CVA for menstrual hygiene (MH), examples of how CVA could be used for MH, a Minimum Expenditure Basket table to define and calculate the value of the grant/voucher, and a form to collect information from local markets key information related to MH items available.
7 May 2018
After Action Review – WASH E-voucher Pilot Saida, Lebanon
Lebanese Red CrossAfter Action Review on the Lebanese Red Cross’ piloting of an e-voucher project using Red Rose’s data management and assistance delivery platform to provide hygiene items to Syrian refugees.
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